
What is the meaning of a master number 11’s psychic travels, what some call out-of-body experiences, that explore the Beyond via Monroe Institute Hemi-Sync meditative training?

“You experience things and then they’re over and you still can’t explain’em – gods, aliens, other dimensions…” – Tony Stark (Iron Man 3)

I provide two types of collections and a reference section in the primary Menu found upper left. One collection contains some of the MtnGoat’s prose, at least what’s been published to date. That collection is called the Sayings of the MtnGoat. The second collection, also in the primary Menu found upper left, is what I call the Lore of the MtnGoat. That is the continuing recount of the psychic travels of the MtnGoat.

In the primary Menu/MtnGoat Lore one finds many chapters; distilled collections of encounters that pertained to specific non-human individuals or collectives. These may appear as mythologic-like entities in metaphorical or symbolic contexts. Other individuals appear as self-aware non-physical complex thought-forms. There are also non-physical conscious-forms of intelligence and plural-consciousness formed collectives of more advanced conscious forms. Additionally one encounters the physically alien; these operating with telepathic extent beyond our normal awareness.

Being physical we readily think in terms of the physical, but what do we truly know about our own physical world? In 1931 the physicist Wolfgang Pauli postulated the existence of a particle called the neutrino. It wasn’t until the late 1950s that Cowan and Reines experimentally discovered the elusive particle. What made this discovery so difficult is the neutrino doesn’t interact strongly enough with matter to be readily detected.

Stars are a large source of neutrino production and from our Sun’s fusion alone there are about 65 billion neutrinos passing through the area of just one of your fingernails every second, yet we have no awareness of them outside of very elaborate and very expensive physics experiments. Here’s an example of one elementary particle that is incredibly prevalent yet we have no real experience with this wind of neutrinos passing through us. Statistically speaking, one neutrino can pass, unimpeded, through a piece of lead one light year thick and not interact with that matter so, from the neutrino’s point of view, you don’t exist.

Given how elusive the very small may be how elusive is the very big? Consider the Milky Way Galaxy, our home: Recent estimates of our galaxy’s mass counting stars, the black-hole core, interstellar medium, and numerous possible planets added together yield a guesstimate of about 1.5 trillion solar masses. Yet, how aware are we of something so big and massive that surrounds us all the time?

Let’s make this illustration easier. At a personal level how aware is an individual of the approximate 1000 species of bacteria and as many as 80 different species of fungi that reside on one’s body? Clearly the human’s awareness of our physical domain or even one’s own physical body is highly limited.

The idea there may be non-physical forms in some plane of existence other than our own is outside our conventional mode of thinking, but open any mathematics handbook and one finds a myriad of abstract forms that readily have physical world applications or representations. Where do these abstractions originate? Where do they reside? Is mankind creating those abstractions or discovering them? Did something else create them?

Consider the equation for the area of a circle: While it describes and governs any circle one may make or draw does it serve as an archetype for our physical reality? This particular mathematical illustration – the equation for the area of the circle – is mentioned only to allude to something we know “works”, yet from our natural point of view such abstractions, like that equation of the circle – in themselves – have no physical reality; mere chalk on the board. We don’t need a tens of million dollar physics experiment to convince ourselves of this. Any kid’s grade-school science project would convince us this equation works.

Isn’t this equation just an idea? One may ask in what way does this mathematical idea exist? Is that existence more than some algebraic domain with properties and mappings taught in some college math class?

Why does something, that is not physically real, have any absolute control over the design and construction of physical structures in our World?

“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real” – Neil Bohr

Some of the individuals, entities – whatever one calls them – encountered in the Collections are far beyond the Earth Life System (ELS). Others are very close to home, perhaps part of a deeper aspect of the natural world, a world that would be completely natural to the shaman. Weird huh.

As there are a variety of storylines that pertain to the above mentioned specific individuals’ collected notes, I present them chronologically; building a framework of the associations, illustrating how the experiences unfolded in whatever different states or phases of existence were encountered. Some Collections’ storyline occur partially in parallel with each other at times.

Sidebar note: Following the Menu\Tales of Master Tellaidian collected notes I maintain one timeline with no Collections overlapping. My intention is to maintain current notes while backloading in more preliminary Collections that explain who’s who along with needed background info. Occasionally I go back and fill in more notes that pertain to the beginning of all this. Proofing is an ongoing task so the notes may be rough in places. This is not a novel. These are my notes.

Ok – so what in the world is all this about one asks?  Well, first one should know this began many years ago when the MtnGoat was in the hospital and had what some call Out-of-Body (OBE) experiences. Afterwards he sought to learn more about these experiences. The OBEs were new, but what some may call divine or prophetic messages during the life of the MtnGoat, validated in our historic-physical world, were not.

Learning about The Monroe Institute (TMI) the MtnGoat began using their Hemi-Sync technology developed by Robert Monroe, the founder of the Institute. This blew open the door to transcendent or intersecting aspects of reality(s); things that are beyond the reach of our conventional perceptions with the conventionally agreed constructs; what one might call planes of existence outside our own physical world were accessed. This raised important questions about reality.

What, or whom, is the supernatural? Or more correctly, what is the supra-natural including the sub-natural primal domains? Where is that place that is the sphere of such entities? How should one understand such things that may appear mythological, allegorical – dummied-down for human comprehension – these supra-natural forms that have their own contexts of realities that are largely separate from our natural awareness for whatever reason?

These appear to exist, though they are not physically real as we think. They operate in some other space-state, energy-state, or bandwidth of consciousness, again – whatever – other than our own. Those identities/entities, and their respective organized structures or cultures reside where truth is defined by Them to be – a valid construct.

It is important to recognize, if we accept it took 4.5 billion years to produce the human species on Earth, and if we accept the Universe is at least as old as we think – 14 billion years, then there has been about 10 billion years for intelligence and consciousness to have evolved long before the Earth was a steaming rubble. There could easily be life that is not just millions of years more advanced than mankind, rather – life that is billions of years more advanced. And if we accept the newly suggested age of the Universe, the newly calculated 26.7 billion years old cosmos, based on new James Webb Telescope deep-field views and implications well… there’s been lots and lots of time for intelligence and consciousness to have advanced.

How far can the human mind reach in terms of distance for lack of a better word? What other forms of awareness or perceptions are we capable of, beyond our known physical perceptions? What might the mind be able to apprehend if it could be quiet enough, more highly focused, redirected? Furthermore, can one’s awareness occupy these other constructs and even have non-physical self-form there? Can one’s self-existence be greater in scope, perhaps much greater, than that known in the accepted Earthly terms?

Other questions arise: Where do we ultimately originate from? Do we all come from the same place? Is there a plenum of consciousness environments other than the one we know?

Besides defining consciousness – if we could – what is the full scope of consciousness in the Cosmos and how can one actually know that is authentic; that something outside our physical, empirical scope of existence can be real or true?

In these discussions I do not provide an interpretation of what these states – are, but I can say that encounters with forms like angels (one species), purposed light-forms and other similarly functional self-actuated individuals, shadow-forms (The Dark); intelligent natural functions; the dead, and that which is beyond our dead and well beyond our heavens; telepathic contacts with species light years away from our locality in space.

Then beyond that: the populations adjacent to the non-physical supra-galactic god-class plural-beings (one group I refer to using a simplified human analogy for their role in the Cosmos as – The Shepherds of Creation1) are engaged. These, and even Those who are greater, may be encountered farther into the abstract non-formed potentials: meaning and purpose.

Some of those mentioned above may be apprehended as God by a human being, but these supra-beings do not advertise themselves that way. That conclusion results from a human’s reaction to being awe-struck by an encounter with the scope of mind and power of presence presented by a truly celestial intelligence.

I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago — whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body, God knows — such a man was caught up to the third heaven. (2nd Cor. 12:2)

Implicit in these experiences are questions that pertain to our beliefs in religion, our understandings in philosophy, what one thinks is real or provable, what happens when one dies, and whether there is a God or some other form of ultimate being?

One asks, who are They? What are They? What are They doing and what are Their goals? Do They care at all about mankind and this planet – that made of mere spent star-dust?

Over time the MtnGoat learned to access the above contacts in meditation without the need of Hemi-Sync; all done awake, not in some dream modality. This is not channeling. It is being there – with them – while some come here to be with us; some having always been among us. I don’t categorize these journeys as out-of-body experiences. Rather, I call these journeys phasing and it far more profound than the OBE; beyond the NDE.

Throughout life honest and critical thinking requires one be flexible enough to discard limiting ideas, the rigid mind-sets that are found to be culturally antiquated, codified and dogmatic, superstitious, self-delusional, or just forms of wishful fantasy possibly learned, mimicked from others. This doesn’t necessarily require an abandonment of religious principles, perhaps just a reframing and rescaling of those.

How can these things be objectively known when one only has esoteric experiences to show for it? There are however, some events that have taken place in our physical world’s historic-construct which have demonstrated the validity of these non-normal experiences and associated consciousness levels or environments; at least enough so that the experiences cannot be dismissed as a whole. That is provided in the primary Menu item called: Evidence that Can’t Be Ignore.

I wish to be clear, this site is not intended to promote The Monroe Institute (TMI) but as some readers may have an interest in TMI I’ve created Collections of notes that pertain to specific courses I’ve taken there. If the reader intends to take any of those specific courses I suggest not reading the respective course notes until after one takes the course; reading the notes before-hand may front-load2 one’s experiences.

I should mention while at TMI I’ve met persons from all over the world and all walks of life. I’ve met lawyers, clinical psychologists, a neurosurgeon (not the one your may be thinking of), a very high-level government official from Japan, a doctor who is the director at a US hospital complex who authored a book recounting her patient’s NDE experiences in her ICU units, along with many other interesting people. All – well maybe not quite all – are very down to Earth individuals that have had enough validation of their own supra-natural experiences that they continue to study it.

During the course of the MtnGoat’s life he has been an athlete, a mechanic, musician, machinist, physicist working in experimental physics, scientist working in various fields of developmental engineering; systems engineering; a board certified healthcare professional, and now – dare I say it – a mystic.

His life interpretation has large influences from the modern physical sciences, Judeo-Christian, Taoist, and Classical Western thought. Trained as a physicist and having also studied philosophy the MtnGoat is aware of many aspects of detailed thinking while one should know, that his track coach did warn him he thought too much.

What is the explanation for encountering purpose driven forms of intelligence that are deep and richly present though beyond the limits of our normal perceptive awareness. It is interesting to note that in current physical science there are now known at least 17 different phase states of solid water, though we mostly know just one (ice) in our daily experience. Even the quantum states of an atom’s electrons exist in multiples of uniquely quantized states. A piano provides a collection of octaves for any desired note. Could there similarly be other states of mind beyond the one an individual uses to frame and comprehend one’s ordinary grounded daily life? Could it be the roots of mythology are not simply a collection of children’s fairy tales or peasant tribal folklore later absorbed and cross-incorporated into varied institutionalized cultural representations?

It is interesting to note that a person’s brainwaves are now known to be effected by subtle magnetic field changes, though most are not aware of it at a conscious level. What some researches call the first concrete evidence, in a recent publication Transduction of the Geomagnetic Field as Evidenced from Alpha-band Activity in the Human Brain, published in the journal eNeuro March 2018 collaborating researchers from CalTech, Princeton, and the University of Tokyo write:

“We report here a strong, specific human brain response to ecologically-relevant rotations of Earth-strength magnetic fields. Following geomagnetic stimulation, a drop in amplitude of EEG alpha oscillations (8-13 Hz) occurred in a repeatable manner…….. Although many migrating and homing animals are sensitive to Earth’s magnetic field, most humans are not consciously aware of the geomagnetic stimuli that we encounter in everyday life…… We found two classes of ecologically-relevant rotations of Earth-strength magnetic fields that produce strong, specific and repeatable effects on human brainwave activity in the EEG alpha band (8-13 Hz)3“.

If mankind is just now empirically proving that changes to the human’s alpha waves occur as a result of changes in the Earth’s magnetic fields what other effects might there be in the beta, delta, gamma, theta, and ultra-low brainwave sets that are externally caused; these generally unnotice by an individual’s waking awareness? Could any of that be perceived if an individual learned to notice and pay attention to the new input?

Minds neutralized and corrupted by media/mega-entertainment (gaming), institutionalized religion or the reaction to that, modern cynical and dogmatic institutionalized thinking along with other socio-cultural programing – or even just being too legally stoned or otherwise medicated – all these contribute to many having turned a dull mind away from considering deeper things. It is up to the reader to decide what he or she believes is real or true, and what the full breath of reality may be.

Provided here are incredible experiences, most just too incredible. These experiences can be disturbing in that they may challenge one’s status quo belief system. For others these stories may be inspiring and affirming. For most however, the experiences are just too impossible to wrap one’s mind around, leaving one at a loss of what to think.

Something I should or maybe I shouldn’t say is, don’t rush out and buy the TMI Gateway CDs based on reading these experiences. Most have no results w/ the CDs prior to attending TMI’s Gateway Voyage course.

Some Practical business: 

In communications with the non-normal one encounters literal words/phrases, notions/concepts, and implicitly conveyed understandings/frameworks that are not necessarily verbally stated. In quoting such conversational elements in these notes I include those implicitly conveyed understandings in [square brackets]. Sidebar informational thoughts added for the reader’s clarification that pertain to a statement in the notes are given in (parenthesis).

Many Collections have considerable overlap in the timeline. There are some activities described in various Collections that may occur in parallel with other Collections. I organized the chapters that way because I thought it best to present key characters in their own context. I felt this was the best way to illustrate the personal associations.

What I call the Main Thread are the chapters in the Lore that follow the Tales of Master Tellaidian. Those chapters are chronological. I present the timeline this way so the reader has the needed familiarity with key individuals that follow in the narrative.

The primary Menu is in the upper left. There is another menu called Blog Menu in the upper right. That menu drills-open a sidebar window. At the top of that window is a small blog I use to inform readers of additions to the website. At the very bottom of the upper right Blog Menu window is a Search tool. One may search all pages via that. There are fast links to the Lore, Sayings, and Reference sections found in the bottom footer margin.

Please be patient. This site is being built slowly and there is a lot of material to go through. I don’t have staff working on this site. All the photography is my own.

Finally, the WordPress platform is not very solid. It’s a constant chore repairing WordPress corruption. If you find missing media, broken links, or missing/malfunctioning footnotes please let me know in the Contact page. Thanks.

The MtnGoat

  1. A role may not necessarily imply a single species or individual. A role may be performed by a mix of individuals, species, and cultures that are able to share common mind via their common purpose. Some may have no names as they directly apprehend each other thus requiring no label or identifier for communications. 
  2. What is front-loading? Front-loading is a self-propagated imaginary construct which may be thought to be a psychic experience but is only a presentation of one’s own notions, expectations, and desires. There are subtle differences in apprehending the distinction between these self-loaded elements which may be derived from some previous authentic experiences but now embellished or animated; an improvisation of one’s own imagination initialized possibly by one’s own memory elements (memory-loads). If one is filling one’s mind w/ stuff read on the Internet, books, and/or YouTubes it is possible for oneself to fabricate the experience one craves. 
  3. For a layman’s discussion about the experiment see