The Illuminating Light (Mar 2018-April 2018)


March 9th 2018

I went to Alpha Squared (AS42) in focus-level 42. When I arrived in the hallway outside my suite I found Anosh w/ Atur standing very close to me, as if they were waiting for me. Anosh was just about one foot away, standing close to me, with Atur standing just behind her right shoulder. They invite me to their ship which was docked. I went with them and spent considerable time examining the ship’s features (more about Atur & Anosh see Collection: First Pleiadian Encounters).

Following days:

My meditation sessions are going nowhere. I accepted I will focus on my blank-slate meditation training. One interesting event however, I saw the Crystal Monument (in F27). It was surrounded by a light hallo and so I went to spend time with this mysterious stone.

March 14th

I decided to go to AS (Alpha Squared virtual communications station) in focus 42 to meditate in my suite. When I got there I went directly to my room and sat down. I decided I would work on my meditations here, or there that is. After some minutes I clearly heard, “Company you accept”? I turned and saw Tellaidian standing in the doorway.

“Yes! Come in Tellaidian! I am happy to see you”, I answered. Entering my suite, he walked up from behind my right shoulder as I was seated facing the window. He paused on my right saying, “More skilled you are becoming” (about Tellaidian see Tales of Master Tellaidian).

As he walked around in front of me and then to my left I said, “Master Tellaidian I do not think I am more skilled. I am ill-tempered, quick to jump to conclusions, lacking self control, and – I am not calm as you have directed. There is no skill in this”.

He sat down next to me and after a moment’s pause he said, “I will sit with you”. We sat together as I considered this contact with him but periodically I returned to meditation to be attune to his and any other communications that may come along. As I maintained this mental stance I noticed I would get to a point of just being and switch to perceiving; having a hard time maintaining a steady state of singular bi-focus in both modalities. I was getting the hang of it but I could not hold that state steady.

“You struggle”, Tellaidian commented. “Yes”, I answered and added, “Being. Perceiving…. It is hard to just be, and then I also wonder about becoming”. “Yes! Becoming!”, he retorted as if commenting on some very important point.

After a time, as I was worked on my focus, he reached out and placed his hand on my wrist. I wondered at that but suddenly I saw a dark planet, as if I was in orbit above it, on the night side – very dark. I looked and noticed a faint hint of light on the limb of the body recognizing the planet had almost no atmosphere; just enough to scatter some light. “My planet…”, Tellaidian said to me softly.

I found I was slowly approaching the limb and I noticed the light was increasing ever so slowly as the dark planet’s dawn approached. It was a thin sliver of light growing slowly. I watched this carefully as I guessed there was something Tellaidian wish to illustrate to me. I began to see the first hints of the star that was illuminating this body. After a brief moment I saw the star itself.

As I continued to drift I came to see the whole star clearly and wondered about it. I no longer gave attention to the planet. As I looked at this star I recognized how much waited for this star’s light so that life in various places may continue.

Tellaidian said to me, “For an individual to prosper, each one needs a light in their life”. “Yes”, I agreed and upon reflection I added, “I understand there is a tremendous light for me – so much. It is full of meaning, but then along with the strength of that I cannot escape the knowledge that there are contradictions; these trouble me”.

“That is what you call – duality”, he answered. He direct my attention to the fact that the starlight shining at the limb of his planet was only partially apparent at first, the whole star only being observed later. Understanding that I commented, “Yes it is the coming time for me when the Light is fully apparent that I look forward to”. After this he got up without saying anything further and slowly walking across the room, he left. I remained there and returned to my meditation.

March 23, 2018

While in mediation an Ancient calls me back. When I made it thru the focus-levels and got to the Great Hall the Ancient appeared as a bright light. I meet this One before; the One that says he is my Ancient father. The Wise One was to his right and seemed to be something like a characteristic, or expression. I didn’t understand that, but I stayed with Them both. I’m not going to try to write more.

March 24

Thought I should do a training meditation today and so I went to F21.

I really didn’t expect anything and was surprised to meet the Gatekeeper who I have not encountered in a very long time. He drew me over to visit him at our old meeting place in F21, the park bench under the street lamp.

His message was brief and simple, “You must come back”. But how do I understand this, given all the difficult faint meditations?

March 31st, 2018

I’ve been doing a number of practice meditations lately trying to ‘get back’ as The Gatekeeper directed but I’ve made no progress. If I’m suppose to go back why is this so hard? I have met some contacts in these attempts which I haven’t written about because the contacts were so faint. I don’t know what the truth of those encounters is.

Today I thought to try to get back to the Great Hall in the Elohim City; a Parthenon and Acropolis if ever there was. I doubted I could do this on my own given the way things have been going but I’d thought I’d try.

As it turned out the discussion in this session was long and detailed. I can’t remember it all. There was also abstract nuance I can’t put it into human words. How does one express these things in human terms?

When I got to F21 things were very faint but I felt I was in F21. I noticed two steps at my feet and stepping up. I could see Yur’ael, who I have not been able to see in a long time. I wondered if she was actually there. I informed her that I could barely detect her to which she said, “I am here to assist you – whenever you are here”. I first met Yur’ael in The Wizard and Yur’ael.

I wondered where Devenoir was and Yur’ael repeated, saying to me, “I am here to assist you … here”, as if to clarify her scope of mission. Thinking I was getting nowhere with this I returned to the task of looking for my passage to the Elohim City and found that Yur’ael was hovering above me on my right, as if accompanying me.

In time, in the distance I saw an angel near my approach area to the City and as I got closer I wondered if this might be Devenoir as I’m always glad to see him but then I recognized it wasn’t him. The angel waiting for me directed I continue on.

I entered the forest boundary and was very happy to be here. I just love this place. There seemed to be a light over the treetops in the night-like sky. I continued and considered this light must be the portal I’ve encountered in the past. When I got clear of the trees I was near the Green Wall and the circular light of the portal continued to dominate my attention. I presumed this meant I was suppose to access through this portal, which circumvents the City, as I’ve found in the past. Maybe this portal is always here and I’m just not aware of it.

I wondered how to access the portal, deciding this was the way, and while standing under the light trying to figure out how to get into it I found, I was suddenly in the light; then just as suddenly I found myself standing on the Great Hall’s outer portico.

As I stood there, just outside the row of giant columns, I was able to look out upon the City below; a beautiful brilliant place.

I stood there for awhile wondering what to do and decided I would walk along the edge of the portico just observing. Then suddenly a women emerge from the Great Hall’s dark interior on my left.

She was beautiful in appearance with long rich black hair wearing an elegant flowing silk-like white gown, having the appearance of a statuette-like Greek or Roman goddess. I did not think she was an attendant as she appear beyond them in authoritative stature. As she approached, drawing closer, I turned to her and offered a slight bow in greeting.

In hopes of some introduction I introduced myself and asked her what her purpose or role was so that I could understand her. She replied saying only, “I am here”. I repeated, presenting this question in various ways, but got the same answer as if what she said was all that was pertinent.

I asked why we were meeting. She answered, “You are here. I am – here”. This was a bit frustrating so I tried a different tack of questioning: “Can you explain to me what you are”?

“I am – energy – is a word you understand”, she answered. I added, “You appear human-like, can you explain to me what your form is”? “As I appear [to you]”, is all she would explain.

I felt I wasn’t getting anywhere trying to communicate with this entity so I considered moving on, to continue my walk along the portico looking at the City, but then I thought to ask this figure, “This Great Hall – is it a temple? I sense there is more to this place then simply being a large structure, a parthenon”. Again she answered simply, “As you perceive it”.

My thoughts returned to the idea of walking along the portico as I wasn’t getting many insights from this cryptic yet factual discussion with this individual but then, she directed me to follow her as she turned and walked back into the darkness of the Hall’s interior.

As she lead me into the depths of the Hall I began to recognize this vast place was the same place I encountered during the Lifeline course, when I was told of the Great Recovery to come, and encountered in other following experiences; those that where prior to finding the Elohim City and meeting the Wise One.

I wondered about the some unseen purpose of this meeting, so again I pressed my question regarding her role, purpose, or name. Now she answered, “I AM here – guiding you”.

I wondered what I might learn from her if I pressed my questions so I said, “May I ask, I struggle with the conflict about these experiences, whether the constructs are valid – true – what the truth of this is”, and I outlined my conflicting thoughts to her.

She paused, and looking at me she said, “You have the understandings… This will take time of your life”. Then she turned, resuming her walk, again directing me to follow.

We walked deeper into the Hall and then I saw something like a fountain with a large bright pillar in it. As we got closer the pillar looked like a column of light, several feet in diameter, emerging, projecting upward, flowing up from within a basin-like construction; as if there was a pool of light in the basin with the column of light emerging upward from it. I looked at this – in wonder.

Then She said to me, “This – you have seen before”. And I realized she was correct. This appeared to be the fountain that the Elohim who says she is my true mother had taken me to see for the first time a couple years ago (6/19/2015). At that time I could only sense it, while seeing some of its surrounding, observing other Elohim approaching. It was as if we were gathering to attend an event.

We walked along with them; the people converging around the fountain area. At that time I knew it, but could not exactly see it. Now I could clearly see it. I thought this must pertain to the conversation Tellaidian and I had regarding what force powers the Ring that is formed by his three associates.

This, is as you have known it before (ie this place: a natural occurring supra-cosmic phenomena) but it is not the same as when you are with your friend (Tellaidian). This is Life – The Light – more pure than you encounter with that one (ie Tellaidian).

This Light, is that which Illuminates”, and I understood this Light is the light that illuminates the Twelve Pillars: the Complete Purpose and Intensions of the Ancients (F49) that was explained to me during Starlines II (see Starlines II notes). At that time it was explained this is what illuminates the Twelve Pillars creating the unique contrasts in purpose that appear as dualities unique to each individual pillar.

“I will guide you here”, She stated but then She suddenly disappeared and I was alone facing this upflow of light surging before me. I wondered about touching it, but then an attendant appeared on my left saying “DO NOT TOUCH IT – unclean”. As I hesitated considering what that one said another attendant appeared on my right saying, “PROCEED – to know what transpires”. Now, faced yet again by some conflicted presentation, I decided I would not have been brought here if I wasn’t to investigate, so I reach into the Light.

When I touched the Light suddenly I saw the goddess-like figure standing inside the column of light rising before me and she directed me to enter in with Her. As I stepped into this fountain of flowing light, she reached out and taking my hand, she began to lead me further in.

From inside the Light, rather than appearing as a localized column, I saw there was no limit or confinement in the spatial extent of this Light, while we were in it. Together, we proceeded forward. After a short time we stopped and this entity directed me to look outward.

Then, as if standing on some sort of precipice I looked out and saw a huge panoramic view – of all the Cosmos – is how I can only describe it.

She said to me, “This is the Light, Life… all the Universes (noting she spoke in the plural). You may find the answers to your questions here”.

I asked again what her purpose was and She answered. “I AM … the presence … of the Light”. It struck me to ask, “Are you one of the Ancients”? “Consider me as a feminine property”, She answered.

“I understand the Wise One, [as] an [expression] [attribute] of the Ancients. Are you a property [of the Ancients]”, I asked? “I AM – the Presence – as you say, an attribute – [the] presented [projected presence] existence [of the Light]”

I was confused as to what this meant though part of me completely understood who and what She was, and then again She restated, “Here, the answers reside to your questions. Turn to this”1.

I continued looking out as she directed me, wondering what this meant. How would I find answers here? What is this – the underpinning and source of all?

How do I inquire of this I wondered. After a time of seeking clarification of Her nuanced speech, She turned and led me back.

As we walked back through this Light, in time I saw we were approaching the outer edge of the fountain’s Light. We stepped through this delineation of the Light and were back in the Hall; a moment later – She disappeared.

I proceeded slowly to exit the Hall’s interior and found the light-portal back. Entering that I was instantly returned to C1 without any return process; in a blink of the eye.

April 5th

An incredible 2 hr meditation training w/ my crystals today (see: Feel the Stones). I understand what I was being shown in the Great Hall and I understand who the woman was that took me to the Fountain. It is – incredible.

April 6th 1 hr meditation. Incredible

April 6th, 2018. The Presence of the Light.

I did another meditation today; only about 40 minutes long. I had no specific purpose in this meditation and when I got to F21 I didn’t know where to go. Then something compelled me to go to the Elohim City but I was resistant to what may be a whimsical thought. Then something insisted that that was my home and so I went.

Once through the Green Wall, the barrier around the City, I did not know how to proceed so I stood there. No one arrived to guide me. That was odd as it’s been explained to me generally someone is sent to meet visitors, and then I felt a force. I asked what it was. The response was simply, “I AM”.

I felt and knew this was the Great Hall’s goddess-like figure I met a few days ago, but I could detect no form, only its presence. Then something seemed to take hold of me and I found I was drifting forward through a wispy-like vague darkness. I had no awareness of the City but after a few moments – I saw the Fountain. I understood the accompanying presence was taking me to it.

We merged into the Light, and then I was… I was very far away, or very deep in, and I began to converse with – what or who?

It was the individual I met early but now that entity was ineffable. This was… it was contact with the Presence – of the Light – personified. I think that’s how I’d describe it.

We had an intricate conversation which may nuances. I have general recollection of the basic points of the comprehensions but it is difficult to put those into a coherent form using human words, so I’m not going to even try.

It was so amazing, so very remote. I’m not sure what I think of it. How do I think about something like this?

April 15th

I’ve been meditating and working with my stones a lot in recent weeks. The stones are quite strong, yet I’ve made no progress in getting back there and I’m tired of this struggle.

Is this one of the times when nothing happens so I really recognize the moment it does?

April 20th, 2018 – New Vision

As I’ve made little progress beyond working w/ the stones for awhile, I’ve lost interest in this strife. I guess it will happen when it happens. I’ve got other stuff to do. But then early this evening I felt it – that light – that I know. I recognized Them. I could feel Them.

I decided to dress up warm, got my camp chair, and went to sit in the forest. When settled I welcome all that are with me; those trusted, that faithfully keep station, and then I sat down.

As I sat I began to see the Great Hall, as if looking at it from a distance, while I could still see our reality around me. I sensed the Wise One there who said to me, “The time is at hand. We are sending others to assist you”. There were many subtle details I’m already forgetting.

I stood up from my camp-chair, looking forward in our reality while staring outward into Their reality too. I found this new experience’s perception dicey in terms of control. Next I could see my sister Hera and mother as they stood at the Great Hall.

“Come be with us”, They called out to me from across this distance. “I am willing to be with you”, I called back and opened my mind offering it to them. Suddenly, I found myself in their reality standing a few steps below Them on the immense staircase of that Parthenon as my awareness of our reality diminished.

They welcomed me up to the portico level to be with Them and Hera said to me, “Welcome brother”. I greeted Them and Hera directed me saying, “Come with me”. She turned and I began to walk with her into the dark interior of the Hall. We walked a short distance and then I clearly saw the Fountain of Light as before.

At this time there were others present; standing in a row, as a group. I recognized them. These are similar to, or associated with, the One that refers to herself as the Presence who introduced me to the Light of this Fountain recently. I greeted them saying, “Thank you for accepting me here”.

Then Hera said to me, “We use this for many purposes. You are familiar with how this has been harnessed by those associated with you, those that took you beyond. We will familiarize you with other uses and assist you with this”.

There was considerably more to this discussion but these are the main points of the first portion of the visit concerning what I saw. I recall being directed to go back (indoors) and go into meditation so we may continued our discussion. I recall wondering if there was someplace specific I should go but was told I may do this anyway I chose. And so I went back inside, got a blanket, and prepared for a standard meditation.

When I entered the meditation and started settling into focus 10 Devenoir was immediately present. I greeted him warmly. As I was consolidating he stated he would assist me. I moved into focus 12 becoming more settled in my awareness of him and then he turned as if to lead me. I followed him; determined to stay with him.

As we traveled forward in darkness I became clearly aware of several angels on either side of us. Then Raphael arrived during our trajectory as an authoritative presence but I kept my attention on Devenoir.

Next Devenoir paused our trajectory and we all regrouped. I wondered why we stopped and had the impression Devenoir was waiting for me to consolidate further but I don’t know for sure. After a moment our whole group headed straight up (as in other times).

We went a short way and I noticed the whole group was falling away from me as I found myself looking back down at them, watching them receded. I felt something take hold of me, pulling me up. This was reminiscent of other times; acquiring an angelic escort upon first entering F23 but later loosing that escort at the threshold of F24, as one is about to leave focus 23.

I found myself alone, being drawn upward through nothing but I soon saw my SP27, so I went to it. I entered it and walking over to my favorite spot I noticed Raphael was clearly there. He stepped up to me placing his right hand on my left shoulder and I felt us rise, but very soon Raphael disappeared and I found I was alone in an abyss when suddenly I heard, “Greetings”.

Instantly I knew it was the Wise One. I gladly offered a bow of appreciation returning the welcome, happy to be with him. For a time I struggled with the frustration that I could not perceive him but I clearly recognized in myself that I knew his voice, since actually …. I have never really seen Him.

After a moment He said to me, “I wish to show you something”. Suddenly, I saw the Earth hanging in space. I understood He intended to discuss the Great Recovery.

The Wise One continued, “The mission is commenced”. As I looked toward His mind listening to him, he showed me the Earth Council of Elohim2 as I had recently met them, but now it was as if seeing Them in the distance.

“You will assist them [as they discussed with you], but you must keep your own council and judgement in this matter. You are correct, there are many other interests involved and this matter is far reaching”. I answered, “I’m not ready for this”, but the Wise One countered, “You are fully prepared. Bring all that may concern you to Us [for counsel]”.

“I’ll need your assistance, your wisdom [for this task]. I don’t know these matters [but] I trust you in this. I trust all Those here at the Great Hall. There are indeed many whose goodness I apprehend [so I] thank you”.

In reply the Wise One answered, “You should remember We are with you and We are active. We will send you help”.

Much I can’t remember

“May I ask a question”, I said? “Yes”, He answered and I continued. “Is a ship coming to meet me”? “If it were not so the Chamberlain would not have said it”, He stated. But I wondered at that. The Wise One spoke again, “You mind considers the Pleiadians”.

I answered, “It is as the Chamberlain stated…. They are coming. They told me they would come to meet. I seem to know they will be a great help to me”. The Wise One retorted, “And you will be of great help to them”.

I looked back at the Earth and muttered, “I hope I may be of help to many. There are so many cultures – competing powers”. In response the Wise One concluded, “[….they are] as dust before Us”. I wondered.

“We will send another ship to signal you”, He stated. “Thank you. I feel – the incompleteness. I don’t know – when I’m back there as I know here. The Ancients said I would know but I do not have that”, I complained. “You’re form there is not able to know [as you desire]. Yet – you – will know. You will see this begin; to recognized it. It will become apparent to you. We called you this way (now) so you would understand what these [communications] will be like.”

We were together a long time. I can’t recall all our conversation. Above are the main points.

Continue reading: The 2nd Signal Ship (May-June-July 2018) (note June 8th section notes)

  1. She is a representation property of the Light, not of the Ancients. 
  2. The Earth Council of Elohim (Feb 2018)