

November 17th, 2014

Evening (~ 23:30 LST) Fair to Good EC Shielding. 4.2 protons/cm3. Flares: C11

Today I planned to go to focus 21(using the F21 free-flow track). To remind the reader a free-flow track is a hemi-sync session with minimal narration and no specific task assignment. Free-flow tracks are provided to allow the user a session in which they can engage however they please. TMI has flee-flow sessions in all focus-levels introduced in the core courses.

When I entered my session Raphael was not there but I immediately detected the 3 ghostly figures I first saw weeks ago in these experiences. At that time they stood silent before me. During those early weeks I came to think these figures represented something powerful, something well beyond our normal physical world, beyond archangels, as if they were deities, daemons, gods – whatever one may choose to call them.

I faced them wondering who they were. They gave me the clear understanding that they were going to control this session; that this session was intended for their purpose – not mine. I didn’t specifically understand what that meant but I clearly knew this thought they conveyed to me.

Then we began to rise, ascending. It was similar to how Raphael would pull me wherever he had been taking me but this was more like being swept along with them.

We began to rise and as we rose for some time nothing seemed to be happening at all other then I was aware of them and that we were rising. There was a moment when I briefly saw my decease uncle. That was like slowly passing a turnoff on a highway.

The 3 figures continued taking me higher; to where I had no idea. After a time they stopped and we were there – together – for a long time. I had no idea where we were or what this meant. Then there was a moment when they addressed me. They spoke in a most definitive manner saying to me, “It is about Purpose.

That was all they said and then I heard the narration in the background starting the exit. As the session was ending I found myself receding from them; like the time I first met Raphael.

The experience was very powerful but I didn’t understand why it happened the way it happened. It seemed we were building to something and then… that was it? It’s about purpose? I understood that, but I didn’t understand why we went through all that? They could have just told me in F12 – it’s about purpose. I get it.-

When I returned to C1 (normal consciousness) I immediately started another session using the Wave 5 Exploring Intuition exercise that’s in focus 12. I haven’t written much about that but I have previously found this lesson to be most productive. My recent routine had been that I go to F21, come back, and then go to a F12 session; back-to-back sessions.

In this F12 post-session however, as soon as the hemi-sync kicked in, it was like an explosion – the explosive arrival of a very powerful presence. It was like looking into a light.

The light was bright, bright like our full moon; not like looking into a spotlight. This was a light one could comfortably look into, but what that was like… was like looking into a Mind.

I was completely overwhelmed by the power and the incredibly clear perception of this encounter – the understandings that accompanied this. One thing I understood, was that this – this light or mind – was a collection of entities with a pluralistic nature – a pluralism2, while also being singularly, being one identity. This felt like God, as a human might conclude, but I understood the earlier form of the 3 statuette-like figures was a crude low-level iconic representation of this much higher group-level representation. Ultimately – what it is? I don’t know.

I searched for a word to identify them and the only word I could find that described this plurality of divine-like entities, that are also singular, was the word Elohim. Of course that is just a word and an Earthly one at that. Although this word is found in a couple of ancient languages, the origin of this word is long lost.

We conversed mind-to-mind about various things and when I got back to C1 I recognized this experience was the most significant conversation of my life. I remember asking why my life had been one problem, one disaster, one failure, one loss, one trauma after another. They would only say, but they stated it quite clearly, “… [for you] … to not become attached … not attach to success, not to fame, not to wealth, not to family, not to spouse …. to not be attached to anything”.  

All I can say is I found their explanation to be acceptable at the time. One must understand however, that I not only knew the phrasing of their explanation but I also saw the whole context in their Mind(s). I asked what my destiny was and They answered, “[Your destiny] … is to be with Us”, and then They left.

What can I say? An impressive, overwhelming experience – to be with something like gods. When I returning to focus 10, still in the session but preparing to exit, it was suddenly brought to my attention that I should look down. I looked down and saw the large lead ball resting on the ground next to my energy conversion box; this represented something unidentified in my life I guess. I looked at it. Now, it was just the size of a marble.

  1. This opening comment is a note to myself documenting fair to good Earth Core shielding. This pertains to the psychic seeing conditions at the time of this session. Such note, and other notes, resulted from a study I did comparing my seeing conditions to those of the Army’s remote viewer studies. I repeat this comment at times so the reader understands why these old bits of information are given at the top of the section. See: Sidereal Time and Psychic Ability 
  2. One way to think of plural conscious being is to use an analogy of a school of fish or a flock or birds; these acting in unison with orchestrated motion while being a collection of individuals.