Sidereal Time and Psychic Ability


This discussion presents data concerning personal psychic ability correlated with sidereal time that differs from popular remote-viewer traditional understandings.

Some have heard, or read about on the Internet, that sidereal time was determined to effect remote viewer’s accuracy. To briefly review: James Spottiswoode was a parapsychologist who worked at the Stanford Research Institute (Menlo Park, CA) during the StarGate Project (Fort Meade, Maryland). StarGate had other program names as well.

I believe Spottiswoode is the first to correlate remote viewer performance with sidereal time, finding a statistical 400 percent spike in the success rate of remote viewing sessions as a function of sidereal time. That conclusion resulted from studying 20 years worth of data containing 1,524 trials among 22 different studies. In addition Spottiswoode found solar wind interfered with telepathy.

My data and results offers a different point of view regarding sidereal time related influences and is discussed several paragraphs below this brief review of Spottiswoode’s findings. Sidebar note: Near the end of this discussion, I briefly outline how to determine optimum psychic time for your locality using available inexpensive mobile phone and tablet device astronomy software.

Spottiswoode found the optimum time for remote viewing to be 13:30 hr local sidereal time (LST) which is always relative to the viewer’s location. He states the peak lasts about three and a half hours, from 12:45 to 14:15 hr LST. The pix below and right shows the orientation and position of our galaxy’s central core identified by the

black hole Sagittarius A (Sgr A) along with our galaxy’s spiral arms at that time. Imagine you’re looking into our galaxy toward its center, as if looking at a cross-section of the galaxy, while being in the disk.

Sgr A’s location – the center of our galaxy – is shown in the photo above by the small red bullseye on the horizon with the orientation of the galaxy’s ecliptic plane (spiral arms) depicted by black arrows. This illustration corresponds to the time 13:30 LST for mid-latitudes in the USA.

For the sake of this discussion and my observations to be discussed below, it’s important to note that the galaxy’s central core is on the eastern horizon at that time. The galaxy is rising above the horizon in the pix shown as the Earth is rotating eastward. To clarify, the meditator or remote viewer is laying on his or her back facing the zenith which at this respective time has an unobstructed view of deep space. The meditator’s head is pointed north.

Spottiswoode states the best viewing time is 12:45-14:15hr LST and although he doesn’t explain it, this is from just before – to just after – Sgr A rises above the horizon in the east. As 14:15 LST approaches the galaxy is proceeding to rise toward the zenith.

Consider the cosmic radiation from the bulk of the galaxy’s central region is entering our atmosphere tangential to the meditator. It arrives from one’s left as one looks up at the zenith, that is as one is laying w/ their head north. The cosmic noise entering from the left is entering and interacting with the thickest part of the atmosphere, along the line of sight to us; that is the longest mean-path length to the viewer from the distant horizon.

Spottiswoode states further, at 18 hr LST remote viewing was reported to be the worst. This turns out to be approximately when the galactic core (the red bullseye) is highest above the horizon;

for the mid-latitudes in the USA. But the core being highest above the southern horizon does not mean the galactic arms are overhead at that time.

The pix above and left illustrates when the worst remote viewing time is beginning. Again, that is when the core and galactic spiral arms are rising toward the zenith. Sgr A is near its highest point above the southern horizon in the USA.

At that time – the worst viewing time – the source of primary cosmic radiation (the core region) is emanating very high-energy particles incident on the thinnest part of the atmosphere, ie directly overhead. This causes a cascade of energetic atmospheric secondary charged particles now passing through the shortest mean path-length of atmosphere to the viewer; arriving from the zenith (more cosmic ray discussion below).

Comparatively, the primary cosmic rays when entering from one’s left, that is when the core is on the eastern horizon, causes the same kind of atmospheric cascade of secondary particle, but those particles are passing through the thickest portion of the atmosphere relative to the viewer. Therefore these particles are more attenuated (reference galactic core originating cosmic ray particles see: Nature article w/ link in footnote 3)

Right and below is a pix of the time 20 hr LST (a couple hours later). That is near the end of the so-called worst viewing time. Notice in this image (now night-time in the pix) the Earth has rotated eastward a couple more hours and the galaxy’s arm have risen nearly to the zenith, but at this time Sgr A, the galactic core, has descended to 17 degrees above the horizon; commencing its motion to eventually set in the west.

It’s important to note that Spottiswoode’s report states this worst psychic performance time is when the center” of the galaxy is approaching our overhead, blocking any unobstructed view of deep space. To repeat, Spottiswoode’s study states this is when psychic cognitions are said to drop to its lowest point of performance; between 17.5 and 20 hr LST. In addition, it is important to recognize that Spottiswoode’s describes this time as when the Milky Way galactic ecliptic spiral arms (not the galactic center) are at one’s zenith (in the USA); the galactic core is near it’s highest point above the southern horizon at this time. This is an important distinction to note: the position of the galaxy core‘s vrs the spiral arms.

I believe there is a misunderstanding in the studies’ reporting because the galactic core (GC), using the black hole Sagittarius A (Sgr A discovered in 1974) as the galactic center, is never at our zenith; presuming roughly United States lower 48 latitudes. To observe the galactic center “overhead” one needs to be in the southern hemisphere.

What is overhead for us in the lower 48 states (where the study was conducted) is the Milky Way’s central plane of the spiral arms (see Milky Way night photo a few paragraphs below). That photo was taken during Summer when the GC is about 17 degrees or so above our southern horizon at night, with the galaxy’s ecliptic spiral arms extending toward the zenith. Remember the Milky Way is shaped like a plate, our Earth (Sun) set away from the galaxy’s or plate’s center. See artist’s illustration below right for our Sun’s believed position in our Milky Way.

Depending on the time of day and season we may be looking toward the center, the inner most dense part of the galaxy, and at other times we may be looking away from the central core, looking out through the thinner portion of the outer galaxy’s spiral arms.

In the USA, during January, the galactic outer thin arms are mostly overhead in the evening; the galactic core highest position above the horizon is at about 10:00AM in the morning.

Examining the photo below it’s clear the GC does not pass overhead in the USA’s latitudes. What we see overhead as the Milky Way are its spiral arms, not the galaxy’s central most dense region. For the remote viewer project locations Meno Park, CA (where Stargate began 1972) and Fort Meade, Maryland (where Stargate was based) Sgr A is just 20 degrees or so above the horizon for some hours, so I assume the project writers are referring to the center of the galactic equator, ie the center ecliptic plane of the spiral arms, and not the actual center of the galaxy as overhead.

The discussed night photo below of our Milk Way, taken during the Summer 2019, is viewed from 38 degree latitudes in Colorado. That is roughly within a few degree of FT Meade, and Menlo Park, CA in latitude. Note the bright star in the lower right of the image. That is actually the planet Jupiter at that time. Sgr A, the galactic core, is found about 45 degrees down and to the left of Jupiter in that pix, hidden in the main dust lane.

Note in that photo the considerable brightness of the galaxy’s central dense core region when compared to the galactic ecliptic spiral arms that extends to the upper left corner of that image. The upper left region in the photo is our zenith. Keep in mind this sizable difference in brilliance or brightness massiveness between those two locations.

Now I’ll explain my different point of view concerning the source of remote viewing interference and its timing. First to restate, the galactic center is never overhead in the mid-latitude USA; it is just above the southern horizon. It is the center ecliptic of the galaxy’s disk, ie the plane of the spiral arms, that is overhead during the reported worst remote viewing time.

My thesis depends on the fact that it is the denser region of our galaxy centered on Sag A that is the principle source of galactic noise and it is this galactic core’s noise we need to avoid in these meditative practices. Again see the Nature article link footnote 3.

Using astronomy software (available for tablet and mobile phones) one observes in the photo (2nd one down) the configuration when the GC (the source of core cosmic noise) is blocked behind the Earth; during the day around 2 PM in the afternoon. At this time, in the USA, the Earth has rotated, turning our position away from the galactic center and at this time, early afternoon, is when the Summer GC position is blocked by the thickest portion of the Earth’s iron core for us in the USA.

Ideally, to block as much core cosmic noise as possible, we want Sgr A to be 90 degrees below the horizon, behind our back while laying down. This provides the greatest shielding of most of our galaxy’s cosmic radiation and I find this is the optimal time for remote viewing or meditation.

The atmospheric shielding from the galaxy’s core cosmic noise is trivial compared to the Earth’s iron/nickel core shielding, and I believe this is why remote viewing effectiveness is falling off as the galactic core rises above the horizon.

I went back through my notes using astronomy software to examine a great many dates in my records. Now my records do not represent a quality controlled study. The remoter viewers’ studies likely had specific protocols on scoring events. I’m not doing that and I’m not remote viewing typically.

I assess my experience’s quality based on clarity, realism, profundity of clear conversation, and other aspects that I subjectively use in determining whether I believe an experience is authentic. I also have lots of failed mediations (duds) and I’ve examined the timing of those as well.

The astronomy software let’s me check the sidereal time, the positioning of the galactic core, location of the Milky Way’s spiral arms overhead, and I also correct for my geographic location; examining where I was at the psychic event’s time; was I at TMI in VA or in Montana for example.

I simply took enough experiences to convince myself whether my thesis was correct. I examined 40 very strong experiences. I have a lot more events I could study but I stopped at 40 since the pattern was clear and the task was tedious.

This study is not rigidly scientific. It was a personal curiosity, not an endeavor to dispute Spottiswoode’s claims. Anyway, in 98% of those studied events the LST was NOWHERE near 13:30 LST for me. In 94% of those cases I had good to excellent Earth shielding of the galactic core behind me as I was meditating. What do I mean by excellent or optimal?

Optimal Earth Shielding is illustrated in the pix to the lower right. In that image the position of the Sgr A during the excellent viewing times for me is indicated by the small red bullseye with cross-hairs. That shows Sgr A is fully blocked by the Earth. This represents the location of maximum bulk, the densest part of the Earth (iron core) for my latitude. This pix’s illustrates, for that time of year and my location, a meditation time of about 6 hr LST.

In this illustrated configuration I am in meditation while laying on my back; the Earth is behind me; the actual center of our galaxy (Sag A) is behind the Earth. In other words the Earth’s core is between me and the galactic core, blocking the core’s direct radiation.

Note the galaxy’s outer bands are seen faintly arcing around the Earth and then up toward my zenith. In the pix the outer spiral arms are illustrated as faint glows with turquoise lines extending to the upper left and lower right of the Earth. The image below represents what I approximate as fair to good conditions in my notes.

In this position, and at this time, I do see the galactic arms overhead but I am looking out through the thinner or less dense outer spiral arms of our galaxy. I don’t find significant interference under these conditions. For me, its worth more to have the Earth’s shielding maximized behind me, rather than worry about the galaxy’s outer spiral arms’ overhead.

As a result, I found Spottiswoode’s conclusions of sidereal time is completely immaterial for me. What matters for me is whether I am directly exposed to GC noise (Sgr A above the horizon) or whether I’m shielded from that core’s noise by the Earth’s iron/nickel core.

I also examined four periods of notes that pertained to a four year period; each period being roughly four months long. In ALL cases the dead-times or ‘duds’ for me occurred when the galactic core was anywhere above the horizon even a little bit, as it is at about 13:30 LST. For me anytime the core is above the horizon, even a little, that’s the problem.

To be fair, in one four-month period there were 5 remarkable experiences that contradict these findings. However, in each of those experience non-Earth based entities – I’ll call them – opened communications with me and I responded. Nothing I tried on my own worked during that time. There was only a few percent inconsistently I found, so looking at both collections of events – the successes and duds – the relationship is obvious to me. As Sagittarius A (GC) rises above the horizon the drop-off in my experiences’ clarity is readily apparent.

To illustrate the optimal meditation times of day as the seasons pass I made the spreadsheet shown below, for USA latitudes and Mountain Time. This represents the best Earth core shielding times for me. The spreadsheet cell with an ‘X’ is the time of day when the maximum bulk of the Earth is between me and Sgr A1.

To represent the most productive meditation time, when the Sgr A is behind the Earth (galactic outer arms near overhead), the light blue bars represent plus and minus 2 hrs from that optimum time. I’m quite comfortable w/ plus or minus 3 hours.

Examining the spreadsheet, one observes the best times during the year for my psychic meditations is from January thru September; adjusting meditation times during the day to be coincident w/ the time indicated by the light blue regions, for my lifestyle. I don’t meditate late at night. I’d rather be asleep.

This is not to say ‘nothing’ psychic can happen outside these time frames. This is just my time of optimum clarity. Practically speaking I limit myself to meditations from 9AM to 9PM. Generally I’m not a morning person but if the reader is an early riser any of the blue shader times are do-able for you assuming you are in the USA close to MST.

As an aside, below is an illustration of a cosmic-ray interaction/collision process with our upper atmosphere. In this theoretical case one energetic proton (perhaps extragalactic in origin) collides most likely with one oxygen atom in our upper atmosphere. That results in a cascade of secondary highly charge particles.

In this simple cosmic ray collision within our atmosphere just the muons created in this cascade process are powerful enough to be relativistic in velocity, causing well know time-dilation effects for the particle which results in the muon’s half-life being apparently much longer; allowing deeper penetration into our atmosphere (muon half-life time-dilation is one demonstration of Special Relativity’s correctness).

Many secondary particles in the interaction are strong enough to penetrate all the way into rock (see diagram). It’s important to note the characterized collision illustrated here represent an incident collision at the zenith, thus traveling the shortest path thru the atmosphere toward the Earth’s surface, straight down to us. A primary cosmic ray can penetrate deeper into our atmosphere and commence the collision process at a much lower altitude. It all depends on the energy of the cosmic (ray) particle.

Tangential collision particles, entering from near the horizon, are more attenuated due to the longer collision path through the thicker portion of our atmosphere than in the case of a particle entering at one’s zenith. A tangential collision path would be the case for galactic core particles arriving at 13:30 hrs LST on the eastern horizon. That path-length and atmospheric attenuation diminishes through the day as Sgr A reaches its highest point over the southern horizon.

For more information about that scattering diagram see:

Finally, this thesis is my personal opinion based on my experiences; reasoning it out over months and years. The reader is encouraged to investigate on their own.

Sky Safari Plus Instructions: I see this page is popular enough that I’ve provided instructions below concerning how one may check optimal time for viewing in one’s personal area. As I stated earlier, the spreadsheet shown above is for my location the USA mountain time zone.

You can determine the desired times yourself for your location. This can be done with a number of astronomy apps but here’s instructions for one app called Sky Safari Plus … about 8 bucks. It will give you the sidereal times associated with your time and your location. This will help for you to find the optimum Earth-core shielding time for you.

To find that time for your locality do the following:

1) Open Sky Safari. Go to the Setting\Locations section and be sure the information for your location and time is complete.

2) In the upper left corner of the main viewing screen, just below the location, see a group of numbers that look like coordinates. Click on that to open a small window. Set the display coordinate system to Horizontal, not Equatorial mode. This sets the display to illustrate the Earth below the horizon at your feet in the sky map.

3) Next click on the Search icon in the toolbar lower left. Search on Sagittarius A or ‘Sgr A’. The app will pop up an information screen about Sgr A.

4) Then in the lower left click on the Center icon. The search app will return to the main view. You’ll see a map of the sky, the horizon, and ground below. The location of Sgr A is represented by small crosshairs. One needs to keep track of those crosshairs. If in the process of these instructions one looses track, just click the Center icon again and check the time.

5) Then in the center of the toolbar, at the bottom of the page, see the time display. It will show the date and time. In that toolbar tool there will be something that looks like a media player. This allows you to move the map forward and backward through time. To the left of the player is displayed the time measure as you are stepping through: months, hours, days etc. See the small underline under one of those date/time sets. That indicates which measure you will step through. You want to step through hours for the day of interest to you.

6) As you click on the button to progress the hours notice the map is moving. Since you are centered on Sgr A there will be the small set of cross-hairs on the location of Sgr A move. Keep moving the hours forward until the cross-hairs move below the horizon to the center of the ground below the map. It looks like one is looking down at the Earth below one’s feet.

7) Tinker with the hours, moving forward or backward, to get the cross-hairs centered on the Earth below in that map view.

8) When one gets those cross-hairs centered on the Earth below, this is the time of maximum shielding for your location according to my hypothesis given above.

9) If you wish to see the associated time in LST, which is likely immaterial at this time, goto the Setup\Date & Time options. In the right window pane click on Advanced. The next screen displayed will show the LST for your location at the time you have Sgr A centered, in the lower left.

Finally, if you wish to see more clearly the position of our Milky Way in the star map, go to Settings\Milky Way, then in the right-hand panel of settings be sure “Show Milky Way” is On. Next look below for a setting called Intensity. Turns this slider all the way up. This gives the Milky Way a bright glow in the star map. That’s it. You’re done.

When is the very best time for one’s psychic perceptions? It is during the peak of the solar maximum activity and when one has the best shielding provided by the Earth’s core – in my opinion.

Additional Topics of Interest:

About the Heliosphere; David’s Butler:

More About the Solar Wind:

About the Solar Cycle; NASA: See also:
(Neither video above mentions the strength of the heliosphere and associated cosmos ray protection, that is in phase with and related to the strength of the solar maxima.)

About The Local Bubble:


Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs):

NOAA explains galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) are a slowly varying background radiation produced mostly by supernovas. Contributions come from an estimated 10 million to 100 million supernova taking place somewhere in our Universe everyday.

This universal fluence of radiation surrounds us randomly and we have no consistent orientation that allows us to escape it other then what the increase in our sun’s heliosphere provides during solar cycle maximums.

The Sun’s heliosphere, which envelops our solar system, shields us from this varying radiation source most effectively during solar max; the Sun’s heliosphere being strongest and providing the most shielding during that phase. At solar minimum’s the shielding is weaker2 and worst for meditation/phasing.

But supernovae don’t explain all the energy found in the cosmic rays we detect. Researchers now postulate our Milky Way’s black hole core is the source of the highest energies we observe3. In general, in terms of shielding cosmic noise from universal supernovae, all one has is the shielding provided by our Sun’s heliosphere but in the case of our galactic core radiation we have the heliosphere and the Earth’s iron core.

How to make your own cosmic ray detecting cloud chamber:

Another video on Cosmic Rays and how to build your own cloud chamber: …and:

How to protect space craft from cosmic radiation:

Our Recent Solar Cycle 24’s Minimum:

Sidebar note: August 2019 we were sitting out the solar minimum. It’s interesting to note that as we have less solar heliosphere shielding during this solar minimum it has been measure at the lunar obit an overall cosmic radiation increase that’s now about doubled as a result of the lack of heliosphere (

What does this suggest? If your psychic abilities have tanked then the above may be the explanation as to why; consider adjusting your psychic meditation time and relax, the solar maximum will come in a couple years so viewing should improve, that is if any of this is correct. As an aside my strongest vision capabilities, during the last solar maximum, did fall off as the solar minimum commenced.

At the bottom of this page is a Wikipedia plot of recent solar maxima and mins. Useful websites for tracking the state of our current solar cycle is NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction site ( and (

Solar Cycle Chronological Updates:

Update 1: The current Solar Cycle 24’s minimum broke a 100 year record this past December 2019 for most days without sunspots. The Sun was spotless for over 270 days. The record holder was back in 1913. (see

Update 2: May 2020 Has Solar Cycle 25 begun? The strongest flare in two years: (

Update 3: June 2020. Solar Cycle 25 has begun (

Update 4: July 2022. Solar Cycle 25 is fully presenting. Concerning cosmic ray exposure see this brief article from SpaceWeather.Com which clarifies what I discussed above. See Cosmic Ray Update topic in:

The Sun’s Weather: If the reader is interested in tracking our Sun’s weather, in addition to here’s a good YouTube channel:

  1. Years ago I worked at the University of Utah Medical School – Radiobiology Lab. Our experiments pertained to plutonium. New employees expected to handle the materials underwent whole body radiation testing. That is we measure how much radioactive material a person had in their body before starting work (We all have radioactive isotopes in our bodies naturally). Later, this test could be repeated to determine whether the individual absorbed any additional isotopes while working at the lab. Due to the presence of the natural background radiation, which includes cosmic rays effects entering thru the atmosphere, there is additional radiation the detectors would measure in addition to the individual’s own signal. To minimize that natural background radiation’s interference during the whole body radiation measurement, these tests were conducted in an iron vault; made from 9 feet of WWII battleship iron plate. This was done so the 9 feet of iron shielding would block out, as much as practical, the natural background radiation while the person’s measurements were taken. Similarly, neutrino detection experiments are very delicate and require massive background noise shielding for the detectors. The first neutrino experiment was conducted in the Homestake Mine in South Dakota. That mine is 8,000 feet deep. In this case the signal is so sensitive it needed the most shielding available – deep mines. 
  2. See See also the article: COSMIC RAYS ARE INTENSIFYING at See also Cosmic Ray Update at 
  3. See laymen discussion Science Magazine and Nature for discussions on the Sagittarius A black hole as the source of highest energy cosmic radiation.