How It Began


I was in the hospital 2014 with a type of heart attack that is said to commonly kill the patient outright. It surprised both myself and the cardiologist that he found nothing fundamentally wrong with my heart although I definately felt like I got hit by a truck. I never thought at anytime I wasn’t going to be ok and never believed for one moment that I was in any danger; sometimes I just know these things, but that’s not to say I didn’t undergo months of rehab.

While in the hospital’s ICU I started having the most alarming hallucinations. Whenever I closed my eyes, even for an instant, I would see another reality in perfect clarity1 and realism. It was actually difficult to allow myself to look at these images because they were just so uncanny; the vividness of it, and that it was always there whenever I closed my eyes even for an instant. This was very alarming and I became more worried about the visions of this other reality than by being nearly killed; landing myself in the ICU.

I demanded to know what medications the nurses gave me but they just look at me puzzled as they didn’t know what to say. As my sense of alarm grew I came to the mind-set that I could not go on like this. What would I do when I needed to sleep? What would happen then? I spent most of my time in the ICU thinking about this; that I couldn’t live with these perceptions as there appeared to be no escaping them. The sense of my being connected to some other reality was just shocking.

By evening the next day (I had been awake for more then 36 hrs) I was moved out of the ICU and once in a quiet room by myself I decided I had to face this new perception, see where it may lead.

I sat up on the edge of my bed and decided to allow whatever this was to take over. I closed my eyes and in an instant I found myself launched out the window of my hospital room. I found myself hovering in the air just outside the high-rise hospital’s parking lot.

Being extremely startled by that I immediately returned to my room and was greatly relieved to find myself back sitting on the edge of my bed, as I thought to myself – that’s a hell of a thing.

I sat there for awhile wondering what this meant. I considered again, still with heightened alarm, that I can’t stay this way, but I thought I should test this again so I closed my eyes once more.

Then in perfect clarity, and complete presence of being, I found myself just off the coast of Maine; is where I thought I was judging by the appearance of the coastline and trees. It was dark. There was some moonlight.  I apprehended I was approaching the trees from a point of view just off a rocky shoreline, from over the water.

I felt myself involuntarily swooping down toward the trees on the shoreline, then slowing to enter among the tree branches in perfect silence and with precise coordination. I continued to glide pass and between a couple of branches while noting the rich color and detail of the leaves and branches in that dim light. It was absolutely incredible – being there.

All this was in perfect clarity and in total realism as I approached, ever so slowly, to land lightly on a branch. I opened my eyes and instantly I found myself back sitting on the edge of my hospital bed. 

I realized I had been in something else. I knew it. I was seeing through some nocturnal bird’s eyes. It was absolutely vivid and completely real in every sensation – 100% being there.

Greatly relieved to be back I was finally able to relax since I convinced myself I could get back to normal and so eventually I did go to sleep, if such a thing is possible in a hospital. The next day when I woke I found the new capability was completely gone.

When I got back home from the hospital I called my old roommate and friend B telling him what happened at the hospital. In latter years I met B several times in the AfterLife outlines in following note. B and I attended the same university and shared an apartment when I was an undergraduate in Physics and he was a graduate student in Philosophy. When I described to him what happened he said, “Bill, you were having out of body experiences”.

I had never heard of this before and had no idea what he was talking about but I recognized the truth of what he said. B directed me to checkout Robert Monroe. Doing that I discovered The Monroe Institute (TMI) and began to read one of Bob’s books2. I learned more about Robert Monroe’s Hemi-Sync technology; a mixed binaural audio system trademarked by TMI which Bob founded. Along with that I learned of the Gateway Voyager CD course set and was determined to find out what this was about.

  1. Some years later I came to understand what I was seeing; focus-level 21. 
  2. When I began reading one of Bob’s books I immediately stopped reading it. I quickly recognized the potential for his books to influence my concepts and thinking. Somehow I knew not to read about his experiences.