Facilitators and The Nadir

Facilitators and The Nadir 


The Arizona Desert

Last evening I thought to seek out what contacts I might be able to acquire although I didn’t know where to go and I didn’t have any deep questions. It seems having questions is instrumental to session success.

First I tried a manual meditation (no hemi-sync) but felt I wasn’t getting anywhere so I used a focus 27 hemi-sync track to assist me in getting to F27.

In F23 I thought I detect some angels and then one said it would escort me. We traveled through 23 together and as I was about to entered F24 the angel recede behind me as seems common (I can recall no time an angel accompanied me into F24-F26 except in the case of one soul-retrieval the suicide victim – Lifelines notes).

Once I got to F27 I found myself at my old landing area which I’ve used in soul-retrievals. I saw the archangel Michael facing me and he called out to me, “Peace”. I thanked him but asked, “How does one have peace with all these questions”? He only acknowledged that was understood and said nothing further.

From there I went to my SP27. Entering I found a vague appearance of Raphael but nothing was communicated. After visiting aspects of my SP27 locale I went outside and saw a large dragon clawed into the buttress wall; perched there. It directed me to get on its back so I climbed up the rock face a bit and got onto the dragon. It took off most gently and flew high up into the darkness and to where I saw the sunset or sunrise appeared in the distance as we continued the flight toward it.

Then a second dragon came along side and on its back was the Gatekeeper. He stood as if standing on, on what? He stood as if the dragon he was on was not moving at all. The dragon worked beneath him while the Gatekeeper simply stood still as if standing on stationary surface.

The dragon took me a distance and then we came to a large pillared building – immense. Arriving at the bottom of the stairs these lead to huge Corinthian styled pillars and there was a figure coming down the stairs to meet me.

I recognize and somehow understood this figure to be the one that states she is my Elohim mother. I walked up to meet her and together we entered to the Great Hall.

I wondered where we were but got no answer. Others seemed to be there with us and I found I suddenly remembered; I recognize this place. I can not remember anything after that but later I found I left at some point.

Returning to my SP27 I wondered what to do and something directed me, or I had the directing feeling, to go to the library aspect of focus 27. To remind the reader the library aspect, as some call it, is for reorientation/reconditioning.

Once there I entered and asked the attendant if I could be directed to know why I now have so few Earth-based spirit contacts in recent times. This individual, or thing, directed me in and I found Atur and Anosh waiting for me.

I was surprised to see them and so I presented my question to them as I was curious what they might say. They would only explained that I should go be among [suppose to be with] the star beings as they called them. I thanked them and left with the intention of next using the focus 34/35 hemi-sync to assist me in leaving the Earth Life System (ELS).

Later this day I started the F34 track and proceeded as usual. I was surprised entering 34/35 to be greeted by someone or something as it said to me, “We’ve been expecting you”.

I could discern no form, only clear form of thought. I sought to inquire as to who or what it was that was addressing me and then I questioned myself regarding what do I know about meeting alien species or other beings in alien places.

I asked, “Can you clarify your identity or role for me so that I may understand you”. “We are facilitators”, was replied. “We provide introductions and understandings to familiarize you with your associates in this environment”, they added. I found I completely understood what the entity(s) explained.

Though I tried to search for some image or form I could detect nothing, yet the thoughts conveyed were completely clear. We talked about a variety of things related to facilitating. Then the facilitator(s) were ready to make the first introduction and I was curious as to who or what that would be.

A moment later, to my surprise, or perhaps it was not a surprise, I found Atur and Anosh1 were there with me and the non-formed facilitator. At this time it was curious that Atur and Anosh extended their hands to shake hands with me. We spoke mostly socially, so to speak; as if the encounter was a formality of some sort. We’ve already met. Then they both turned and disappeared as if the ceremony was complete.

Suddenly there was a distortion, a loss of communication, and I wondered what’s up. I thought there would be more to the facilitation than that so what’s with the dropout I wondered. Next I saw a face.

The figure was black, a metallic black; some reflected light maybe revealed a slender face similar to a man’s but this image had sharp metallic features (machine face); like a sharp nose, chin; as some acutely chiseled statuette.

This figure had what looked like black hood and the face looked more clearly as it if was a mask, a gun metal blue mask. There was no communication, just the masked face appearing quite clear while saying nothing. A instant later the masked image was gone and the facilitator was suddenly back. I asked who the previous individual was. The facilitator answered, “That is the Nadir”2.

The facilitator explained the Nadir (individual/culture?) oppose the unification of various species. It was also explained that they (The Nadir) primarily disrupt communications. I did not get the sense that there was any aggressive posture; they simply disrupted communication channels. It seemed clear to me that that was the disruption I experienced a moment prior.

Though I can’t remember it all now, the facilitator and I communicated for a long enough time such that I became exhausted and so I returned. Once back, out of curiosity, I quickly googled the name/word nadir to see if I might find anything that pertained. I immediately found the definition of the word nadir: That is, the opposite direction to the zenith. “Opposite to” in general. Lowest points of person’s emotional states, or blood lab values, etc. It was remarkable that the sense of opposition was so clearly conveyed. The experience was simply remarkable

  1. Collection: First Pleiadian Encounters 
  2. The Nadir is again encountered January 10th, 2018. Tellaidian briefly comments on the matter. See Jan/10 entry in: Acceptance (Jan 2018)