A Pleasant Visit with the TBs

A Pleasant Visit with the TBs


December 26th, 2016. 

Early day meditation: I thought to do something different today so I went back to hemi-sync free manual meditation; thinking I’d go to F15, a place I have explored little. I did select some of my choice large crystals as I like the feel of them1. My intention was to see what I might learn from the base awareness of the elementals. I did not pursue any other fundamental awareness of this bedrock awareness in Earth.

Getting to F15 I stayed there maintaining that state for a long time; just being in it. Then I sensed a dragon and just benignly accepting that I was truly encountering one. It’s just too easy to memory load but then It spoke to me, “What is it you seek”? I answered, “It is my desire to know, to find understandings….wisdoms”. Then the dragon turned and disappeared. After awhile another individual appeared in front of me, but I couldn’t clear discern it. It seemed similar to an Earth-core individual I met while at Exp27. That is the being who told me some Earth history. “Why do you want this?” it asked. “I need to know. It is fundamental to my being”, I replied. After a pause, curious about this individual’s familiarity, I asked, “Have I met you before?” “Yes. I know you”, it replied.

I began to inquire how many of its kind of guiding intelligences were resident within Earth. This struck me as somewhat immaterial but suddenly I received an understanding. I saw that these beings are not just concerned about Earth, rather they see the whole solar system as one. There are other similar kinds of entities throughout the region that pertained to the other planets. Remarkable. A moment later it was gone and so I stayed and maintained that state of calm.

I stayed for a long time. There seemed no need to go anywhere else. Then on my right something was coming into form and I saw a very large bull African elephant looking at me. I was not surprised to meet such a thing given the encounter with Ganesh while at Exp 27 during one trip to F34/35. We where together for sometime, looking at each other. No understandings were exchanged. The elephant moved its head to and fro; sometimes swaying his stance onto a different favored leg as it looked at me. In time we parted and I returned.

Late day meditation


I returned to continuing my exercise used earlier today in which I sit and absorb/enjoy the modification of my astral body – I guess we’ll call it – by my large crystals (these are on the order of pounds each). Then I thought to go to F27 and visit my SP27. On the way I was surprise F21 was harder to image but continued to my SP in focus 27. Once there I did nothing but focus on the dwelling and the energy of the labradorite sphere watching it throw its light around the room. At times I would cover it with a heavy black cloth so I could examine the room naturally lit.

After a time I uncovered the sphere and looking into its light I asked, “Who can I turn to? Who it is that I can go to with my emotionally and mentally conflicted problem? How in the world does one come to accept these bizarre realities?” I considered. Then suddenly I saw or had the impression of one of the Tall Beings from the healing aspect in f27 and wondered if I was memory loading, but the image persisted. I thought of the distance to the healing center; did I really want to cross that now but immediately I saw before me the porch of the rangers office that has always been my entrance to the healing aspect; that was quiet clear.

I entered the structure and encountered the reception individual who greeted me happily. It seemed like I was an old favorite customer. Odd. In return I extended gifting energy to the receptionist and all there. Quickly a TB arrive. It appeared equally happy to see me.

All this surprised me since I had the impression it wasn’t appropriate for me to be there. Then this TB led me back down the hall and other TBs rushed up in excitement to meet – I was quite surprised. Then we huddled together like old friends enjoying a good visit. I extended my deepest appreciation for what they are doing here; helping mankind and others that aren’t even their own species. I wanted them to know that it is appreciated.

After that I explained my concern and they considered it. Then they explained that they could not help specifically with the closure of the doubt I had but one TB placed his hand on my forehead and next I found myself reclining back as if on a bed. Others gathered around and as if watching a movie that was sped up many times I watch a few of then work all around me, changing positions, touching different locations, moving about incredibly fast. Next the principal TB laid his hand on my heart and rested it there for some time. It was just so good to be with them. How is it that I am emotionally connected to these beings when I wonder how any of this can exist and to be at home with aliens of such empathetic spirit?

In time they were done. I got up and before I turned to leave I extended my arms about them and imparted another energy gift; then I left. Returning to my SP27 and then C1 I was glad to have the clearer contact but I did wonder at all these things that are happening. It is so hard to understand what all this means.

[as an aside I choose not to describe the TBs much because I don’t want readers to mimic the experiences, but i add that another TMI associate of mine has met them and when i asked him to draw them he drew the same beings I know]

  1. Reference: Feel the Stones